Ana Abrão
It is useless to say, photography, makes goose bumps on my skin, whenever the subject comes up. Producing a good image makes me feel alive. Especially when I´m able to see that I have reached Art in my photography, then I feel even better. I think art and photography are a perfect match. I love portraits and love capturing one´s personality through his or her eyes. I also love landscapes and being in close touch with nature. I love movement as it adds dynamics to the stills.
To take part of international photography salons is stimulating not only because of the challenge, but also because it makes me grow, it forces me to work and get the most out of my own portfolio and allows me to be in touch with a fantastic world of images, people and cultures.
Photo Stories
Life, cultures, colors, experiences, emotions, images, smells, sounds, movements … I want to tell stories of the world!
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